
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Connections for Business - a total IT and cloud computing solution for business

Connections for Business - a total IT and cloud computing solution for business

Author:Donna Harris

More and more traditional businesses are using computers and IT technology no matter what they actually do, from staying in touch with customers to advertising and promotional campaigns, record keeping, invoicing and internal communications networks. Computer systems are also instrumental in ordering stock and supplies and dealing with vendors - and of course nowadays almost all payroll, even for tiny companies, is handled in one way or another by computers.

This growing reliance on computers and IT networks has made the workload easier by far, but it has also introduced new worries to businesses who may not have the staff to properly set up and oversee the multiple systems needed to make sure all the disparate platforms are properly integrated, and to make sure that the basic infrastructure of these systems is set up in the best possible way.

The best Managed IT Services Miami has to offer is Connections for Business. If you do not have a dedicated IT employee, small snafu's and headaches can snowball into major problems, and can cost not just hundreds or thousands of dollars but in some cases can cost the loss of clients. As any small business person knows, sometimes the loss of even one large account can mean the loss of the business itself.

That is why we have developed a managed IT services plan which combines not just IT services but also includes cloud computing services and needed programming. Basically, cloud computing means that you are operating programs and storing your data in more secure and capable systems off site. This has many advantages over keeping everything inside the computers at your place of business.

For the best Managed IT Services South Florida has to offer contact Connections for Business - we have been serving customers in the South Florida region for over 30 years, making sure that they have access to the most up to date computing power available, and in today's world that is more important than ever before. With our managed IT services we don't just fix problems - we implement computing and IT solutions to make the job of running your business easier and more efficient than ever before, and our goal is to make that part of your business as transparent and thought free as possible.

These services take a proactive approach to problems; our goal is to build your system in such a way that it defeats the most common problems that cost small businesses money and customers before those problems occur. These services include complete and replicated data backup systems which sues multiple back up locations in case anything should happen that takes your base system out. It also includes a fully managed fifth generation firewall system designed to keep intruders out of your network, ensuring you and more importantly your customers' important data remains intact and private.

Our virtual hosted office is the ultimate in security for your critical servers, but our main goal is to provide you with a cost effective, turn-key IT solution so that you can rest easy, knowing that all your computing and network needs are being met by professionals who know their job inside and out - and who can be there any time you need us, 24/7.

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About the Author

For the most complete Managed IT Services Miami has to offer, and for the best Managed IT Services South Florida has, contact Connections for Business.

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